Content tagged tutorial
CLIM, the galaxy's most advanced graphics toolkit
posted on 2016-08-11 17:00
Setting up the basic environment
We assume that you already have configured the Common Lisp environment
(including Quicklisp) and that you know the basics of the Common Lisp
programming. The necessary systems to load are mcclim
, you may load them with the Quicklisp. After that
launch the listener in a separate thread:
(ql:quickload '(mcclim clim-listener))
(clim-listener:run-listener :new-process t)
Finding your way around CLIM
CLIM is the global minimum in graphics toolkits. Geometry, and means
of abstracting it. Switch the listener into the CLIM-INTERNALS package
to get started. Type (in-package climi)
in the Listener REPL
Evaluate the 4 following forms in Slime REPL
, then call
in the Listener REPL
to demonstrate CLIM's
animation capabilities. You cannot evaluate (cos-animation) in the
Slime REPL
, as *standard-output*
is bound to the its output stream
which isn't a sheet
, and thus cannot be drawn on.
(in-package climi)
(defparameter *scale-multiplier* 150
"try modifying me while running!")
(defparameter *sleep-time* 0.0001
"modify and eval to speed or slow the animation, set to `nil' to stop")
(defun cos-animation ()
(let* ((range (loop for k from 0 to (* 2 pi) by 0.1 collect k)) ; length of 62
(idx 0)
(updating-output (*standard-output*)
(loop for x from (nth idx range) to (+ (nth idx range) (* 2 pi)) by 0.01
with y-offset = 150
for x-offset = (- 10 (* *scale-multiplier* (nth idx range)))
for y-value = (+ y-offset (* *scale-multiplier* (cos x)))
for x-value = (+ x-offset (* *scale-multiplier* x))
do (draw-point* *standard-output*
:ink +green+
:line-thickness 3)))))
(loop while *sleep-time*
do (progn (sleep *sleep-time*)
(if (= 61 idx) (setq idx 0) (incf idx))
(redisplay record *standard-output*)))))
If you want to stop the animation, issue in the Slime REPL
(setf *sleep-time* nil)
If it wasn't already obvious, you can plot w/e.
#'tanh :min-x (- 0 pi pi) :max-x pi :min-y -1.1 :max-y 1.5 :ink +blue+)
Drawning class hierarchy
Type ,clear output history
in the Listener REPL
and RET to clear
the screen.
"," indicates that you are activating a command. Try typing comma, then C-/ to activate completion. C-c C-c to dismiss.
Children of the class CLIMI::SHEET
can be drawn on using arbitrary
geometry. Try (clim-listener::com-show-class-subclasses 'sheet)
the Listener REPL
to view the subclasses of it.
Commands and presentations
The name COM-whatever indicates that the function in question is a
clim command, which you can define in the Slime REPL
like so,
(in-package clim-listener)
;;; Runme! We will need these in a moment.
(dolist (image-name '("mp-avatar.png"
(uiop:run-program (format nil "curl --output /tmp/~A"
image-name image-name)))
(define-listener-command (com-ls :name t)
((path 'string))
(clim-listener::com-show-directory path))
try ,ls /tmp/
-- then ,display image <SPACE>
and click on one of
the displayed paths to supply it as an argument. At the core of CLIM
is the notion of a presentation. Objects have presentation methods,
ie, some arbitrary rendering geometry, and when PRESENT'd on the
screen CLIM remembers the type. Thus one can supply objects of the
appropriate types as arguments to a command simply by clicking on
them. Read about CLIMI::DEFINE-COMMAND
in the specification to learn
more. Let's define our first presentation method.
Intermixing S-expressions with the presentation types
Evaluate the forms below in the Slime REPL
(in-package climi)
(defvar lords '("mircea_popescu" "asciilifeform" "ben_vulpes"))
(defclass wot-identity ()
((name :accessor name :initarg :name :initform nil)
(avatar :accessor avatar :initarg :avatar :initform nil)))
(defmethod lord? ((i wot-identity))
(member (name i) lords :test #'string=))
(define-presentation-type wot-identity ())
(defun make-identity (name avatar-pathname)
(make-instance 'wot-identity
:name name
:avatar avatar-pathname))
(defparameter *identities*
(mapcar (lambda (l) (apply #'make-identity l))
'(("mircea_popescu" #P"/tmp/mp-avatar.png")
("ben_vulpes" #P"/tmp/vulpes-avatar.png")
("asciilifeform" #P"/tmp/stas-avatar.png")
("Suit" #P"/tmp/suit-avatar.png")
("RainbowDash" #P"/tmp/rainbow-dash-avatar.png")
("ChaosLord" #P"/tmp/chaos-lord-avatar.png"))))
(define-presentation-method present (object (type wot-identity)
(view textual-view)
&key acceptably)
(declare (ignorable acceptably))
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(stream-cursor-position stream)
(with-slots (name avatar) object
(draw-pattern* stream
(climi::make-pattern-from-bitmap-file avatar :format :png)
(+ 150 x)
(+ 30 y))
(draw-text* stream name (+ 153 x) (+ 167 y)
:ink +black+
:text-size 20)
(draw-text* stream name (+ 152 x) (+ 166 y)
:ink (if (lord? object)
:text-size 20))
(setf (stream-cursor-position stream)
(values x (+ 200 y)))
(defun eval-and-then-call-me-in-the-listener ()
(let* ((n 8)
(sheet *standard-output*))
(labels ((gen (i)
(let* ((out-and-start '(f x)))
for k from 0 to i
do (setq out-and-start
(apply #'append
(lambda (s)
(case s
;; (x '(y f + f f + + x))
;; (y '(y f + f f x - - f f x))
(x '(+ y f + f f + y y +))
(y '(f - y f f x f f))
)) out-and-start))))
(remove-if (lambda (sym)
(member sym '(x y) :test 'eq))
(let* ((x 300) (y 300) (new-x x) (new-y y) (a 1) (step 15))
for r in (gen n)
do (progn (cond ((= a 1) (setq new-y (+ step y)))
((= a 2) (setq new-x (- x step)))
((= a 3) (setq new-y (- y step)))
((= a 4) (setq new-x (+ step x))))
(case r
(f (clim:draw-line* sheet x y new-x new-y
:ink clim:+blue+
:line-thickness 6
:line-cap-shape :round)
(setq x new-x y new-y))
(- (setq a (if (= 1 a) 4 (1- a))))
(+ (setq a (if (= 4 a) 1 (1+ a))))
(t nil)))))
(let* ((x 300) (y 300) (new-x x) (new-y y) (a 1) (step 15))
for r in (gen n)
do (progn (cond ((= a 1) (setq new-y (+ step y)))
((= a 2) (setq new-x (- x step)))
((= a 3) (setq new-y (- y step)))
((= a 4) (setq new-x (+ step x))))
(case r
(f (clim:draw-line* sheet x y new-x new-y
:ink clim:+white+
:line-thickness 2
:line-cap-shape :round)
(setq x new-x y new-y))
(- (setq a (if (= 1 a) 4 (1- a))))
(+ (setq a (if (= 4 a) 1 (1+ a))))
(t nil))))))))
Now type (dolist (i *identities*) (present i))
at the CLIM Listener.
Try typing (lord?
at the listener and then clicking on one of the
identities. Add a closing paren and RET. Notice how objects can be
seamlessly intermixed with S-expressions. If this example fails for
you it may be that you have not recent enough version of McCLIM.
Unripe fruits. The future isn't what it used to be - some assembly required.
(available with systemclim-examples
)The essential machinery of a 'live' GUI builder
Navigator (essentially an extended `apropos')