Migration to Codeberg
Written by Daniel Kochmański on 2023-03-13 20:30
Dear Community,
Our repository is migrated to a new hosting platform Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/McCLIM/McCLIM. The old repository is archived in read-only state - that means that old links and references will work.
I've wanted to migrate McCLIM for quite some time and planned that for after a release, but it is frequently postponed by one-more-thing to tweak, so I've decided to take the action now.
As for the reason - we've discussed it a few times on IRC. It boils down to the fact that Github/Microsoft uses our code without attribution and without respecting its license, in order to improve its product "copilot".
Thank you for your understanding, sorry for the inconvenience(!), and see you in the new place. :-)
Sincerely yours,
Daniel Kochmański